Follow The White Rabbit

My name is Demetrios Rallis, I'm 19 years old and I'm an artist among other things. Haus Deme is incredibly special to me as this represents years of passionate work and research. Take a glimpse into my world and explore an incredible collection.

HD Club 36 Eufoure P!NK E

By The Way...

Things Are Getting Serious

There's 171 Trillion Pieces of Plastic In The Ocean... Read me!

Currently, it's estimated that there are 171 trillion pieces or 363.8 billion pounds of plastic floating around the ocean right now, covering nearly 40% of the Earth's surface. Currently scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish swimming in the ocean. This is horrifying and it will be one of the first things I will fix.

There's 2.09 Quadtrillion Pounds of Greenhouse Gases In The Atmosphere... Read Me!

Yes you read that right. It's estimated that there is around 950 gigatons of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere right now. For reference, 1 gigaton = 2.2 trillion pounds. 2.2T x 950 = the magic number. At this rate, it's estimated that by 2050 air pollution alone will claim at least 14.5 million lives not to mention the countless other millions (or even billions) that will be lost due to the natural disasters that follow and rising temperatures. This is not a joke wake up the Earth is being destroyed right now!

Only 5-6% of Plastic Actually Gets Recycled... Read Me!

Despite widespread efforts to promote recycling, only about 5-6% of plastic waste actually gets recycled. The majority of plastic ends up in landfills, incinerators, or pollutes our oceans, causing significant environmental harm. This low recycling rate is due to various factors, including contamination of recyclable materials, the complexity of sorting different types of plastics, and economic challenges in processing them. As a result, most plastic waste contributes to the growing global pollution crisis, harming wildlife and ecosystems. Increasing awareness and improving recycling infrastructure are crucial steps toward mitigating this environmental issue.

64% of The World's Tropical Rainforests Have Been Destroyed... Read Me!

Approximately 64% of the world's tropical rainforests have been destroyed or severely degraded. This widespread deforestation is driven by factors such as logging, agricultural expansion, mining, and infrastructure development. The loss of these critical ecosystems has devastating consequences, including the displacement of indigenous communities, the extinction of countless plant and animal species, and the disruption of global climate patterns. Tropical rainforests play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Protecting and restoring these rainforests is essential for maintaining biodiversity and combating climate change, making urgent action and sustainable practices imperative.

What We Can Do To Help... Read Me!

Everyone can play a part in addressing the climate crisis, both through small daily actions and larger, systemic changes. On a micro level, individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by recycling, conserving energy, reducing plastic use, and opting for sustainable products. Supporting local and organic agriculture, reducing meat consumption, and minimizing waste also contribute to a healthier planet. On a macro level, advocating for strong environmental policies, supporting organizations dedicated to conservation, and participating in community clean-up events can drive significant change. By staying informed and educating others, we can collectively push for a more sustainable future and protect our environment for generations to come.

Amazing Animals

  • The Octopus

    The Octopus is my favorite animal by far, they truly are from another world. They are incredibly smart and can be friendly as well not to mention they are masters of disguise. YouTube a video of an octopus navigating the ocean and you'll see what I mean. Fun fact: Octopuses (or octopi) have 3 hearts and 9 brains!

  • Polar Bears

    Polar bears are absolutely terrifying to me, the casual violence these creatures inflict is mind boggling. To think of the sheer power and force they're capable of sends me chills, it's a shame they look so adorable. Fun fact: polar bears are one of the few creatures that sees humans as a food source!

  • A Peacock

    Peacocks are incredible to me I mean look this magnificent train they sport, it truly is amazing seeing something like this nature created. I love getting lost in this pattern it leaves much to be wondered. Fun fact: the tail feathers of a peacock can reach 6-7 feet long!

"Virgil Abloh Brooklyn Art Musuem 1.28.23"

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Create Beautiful Things


Everyday I think about you. Lord have mercy on your soul. Until we meet again.