Who Is Demetrios Rallis?

 He's whoever you want him to be. 

When I showed my family and friends this piece they all loved it and encouraged me to keep making more. So I did.

My Mom really likes this one it's alright but I'm glad someone enjoys it. As you can see though I am struggling here to find my style as I am now but there's something emerging...

I sewed this piece above with leftover red silk scraps from a dress onto a thrifted denim shirt.

Me and my friend Connor designed and sewed the dress above, modeled by his friend Izzy. Nothing too high quality but some good ideas flowing which is healthy. After this I didn't make any art for awhile.

I know I have a lot of work to do but that's okay, I enjoy it and that's what life is for!


If you can't tell I can tend to be all over the place but it helps me get a lot done very quickly which is always a plus. Speed keeps the momentum pushing forward.